Brian's Bluegrass Automotive


749 W Main St  LEXINGTON, KY


Yes, unhealthy and unpleasant air is everywhere, but why allow it to funnel into your car and make even the shortest drives unbearable? A new cabin air filter improves the air quality in your car dramatically. Here are 5 things you may not know about cabin air filters and how they make your vehicle a healthier, more comfortable place to be.

1. The Air Inside Your Vehicle Can Be 6 Times More Polluted Than The Air Outside: Without proper filtration, the air inside the passenger cabin can be teaming with allergens, pollutants and other disgusting microbes. That suggests a significant health risk for children, the elderly and more than 40 million allergy-sensitive North Americans.

2. Air Quality Threats Abound: Cabin air filters block airborne contaminants: pollen, dust, car exhaust, toxins, pollutants, allergens, wind-blown industrial soot, the smelly build-up caused by mold, mildew, algae and fungi and more.

3. Protection For Your Heating & HVAC Systems: Without a clean, functioning cabin air filter, microscopic contaminants are pushed into your car, much of it through vents. A dirty cabin air filter can degrade and potentially damage your vehicle’s heating and air conditioning systems.

4. You May Already Have One: If you have a 2000 or newer vehicle, you probably have one. While 95 percent of vehicle owners surveyed recently said they are concerned about in-car air quality, only 26 percent said they knew or thought they knew there was a cabin air filter in their vehicle.

5. Cabin Air Filter Replacement Schedule: Driving conditions will determine how often a cabin air filter needs replacing. Dirt roads, dusty areas and urban stop-and-go traffic shorten a cabin air filter’s life, Most vehicle manufacturers suggest cabin air filters be replaced every 12 months or 12,000 miles.

Ready to breathe easier behind the wheel? Service specialists can check the condition of your cabin air filter and install a new one. You ‘ll appreciate their work every mile you drive.